Field Supervisors

This is a complementary no cost service to all of our clients.
The primary objective of the Field Supervisor is to attend all manpower sites routinely ensuring quality personnel and service to our clients. Field Supervisors give us the assurance that personnel and site operations are being managed carefully. They provide on site training, support and consistent supervision. Field supervisors inspect and document critical site functions and conditions. Officer deportment, reports and logbooks are carefully monitored and ensure that personnel are following protocol. Information documented by Field Supervisors is reviewed and discussed by the Management team. Millennium pays the utmost attention to details. This reinforces our commitment to the client and provides value added service.

Security audits

When engaging in a contract with an existing or new client, MillenniuM Protection completes a comprehensive security audit of the property prior to commencing services. The audit is completed by a principal of MillenniuM at no cost to the client. This audit is designed to allow a complete and proper scope of security and identify areas of vulnerability and the amount of risk and liability being assumed when engaging in services. Areas of focus will include but are not limited to;

  • Evaluate scope of security requirements current and for future.
  • Tenants of property and the impact of same on security preparedness and site risk internally and externally.
  • access to the property for external threat and for emergency services.
  • Identify liability issues both externally and internally.
  • Testing all external and internal security/emergency devices including cameras and alarm systems.
  • Audit all entrance/exit points to structure including windows and roof hatches.

After an audit is completed, we report our findings with the client and determine a security plan best suited for the property. This has proven many times to be an effective tool for both MillenniuM and the Client to engage in a service that best suites the property's needs. Many times clients are unaware that such a service exits, or that when engaging in services in the past an audit was never offered.

Version 5.3
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