Integrating personality, property and technology

Heightened levels of liability have increased the demand for asset preservation and property protection. Property owners are investing in uniformed Security personnel, high tech surveillance, and automated control systems. It is our responsibility to match the personality of our personnel with the needs of your property. officers must be as comfortable dealing with people as they are with technology. Each property is unique and has its own security requirements. Backing every MillenniuM Security Officer is an entire Management and Supervisory team providing support and feedback. An integral function of protecting your property is continual site analysis, this allows MillenniuM to construct and maintain detailed site operating procedures. Through comprehensive on site instruction, we ensure all security personnel are trained on the operations and procedures of their assigned property. We take careful steps in our training programs to make for a longer and more pleasant work environment for our staff. Refer to our training section for further information.

Over the years, MillenniuM has gained valuable experience in protecting many challenging environments. This experience has allowed us to focus on the diverse needs of our clients and understand each property has many unique differences. We treat the following environments as separate divisions of MillenniuM and place personnel carefully based on skill sets.


Retail is a fast paced challenging environment. We know this well as the founders of MillenniuM have been bred into this market at the highest level throughout Canada. Personnel selected for such sites require advanced customer service and communication skills as they are contributing to the public profile and the image of the client. It is an environment to which the public is "invited". it is our responsibility to maintain a safe, secure and inviting environment. Security Officers must be proactive and demonstrate a keen sense of situation awareness and have the confidence to execute their duties efficiently. from a lost child to a violent offender, MillenniuM Security Officers serve the task at hand with skill and integrity.  


The commercial environment is a formal and professional atmosphere. People come and go in the conduct of business primarily during the day. Personnel selected for commercial office buildings and corporate head offices must be mature and demonstrate the ability to be as comfortable working with security systems and building technology as they are interacting with corporate executives.


Similar to the commercial office environment, residential security requires mature Officers that act more as concierge security. Candidates selected to represent such properties must demonstratea positive demeanor, be polite and courteous. The personnel assigned to such properties must familiarize themselves with the residents as they may have special needs and specific requirements. These Officers are unobtrusive but thorough in their duties.


With the ongoing and successful completion of several major commercial and residential development projects, MillenniuM understands that while under construction these projects are vulnerable to liability, fire, theft, vandalism, flooding, and the elements. With millions of dollars at stake, and projects under strict deadlines security is paramount. Under these conditions Officers both control access and deal with the large and diverse work force that frequent the project on a daily basis. All Officers assigned to these projects are equipped with cellphone and radio communication, high powered flash lights, CSA foot ware, hard hats, glasses and reflective vests to ensure safety. All MillenniuM staff receive site safety orientation by Representatives of the Client prior to any work and understand the complexity of undertaking employment at such a diverse and challenging site.

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